Leader Newsletter November Part 2
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Leader Newsletter November Part 2

Move past the fear of failure

Failure is an event, not a person – Zig Ziglar.

Half of all adults admit that their fear of failure is the reason why they haven't reached their goals in life.

Fear prevents action – but you can change how you view failure.

1. There are only three ways in which you can fail.

They are giving up, never trying or never improving.

2. Failure is an event, not a person.

Don't generalise. These once-off failures don't define you as a person.

3. Failure doesn't happen to you, but rather for you.

Failure is often an essential ingredient of eventual success. Failures are delays, not detours.

4. You don't suffer when you fail – your ego suffers.

You are not just an ego. It is only a small part of you.

5. Your fear of failure shouldn't scare you.

Failure tries to tell you something.

6. The ideal life contains many opportunities, including a few risks.

Failure is an important part of your portfolio. These opportunities are ripe for experimentation and even failure. These experiences combine to form a life of high potential for growth.

What do healthy leaders do every day?

It's not about what you do in a day, but what you do every day.

1. Read the Bible

If you spend a lot of time in your car, use an audio Bible.

2. Pray

Talk to God. Use a prayer journal.

3. Exercise

Every day. Walking is great exercise.

4. Eat a healthy diet

This isn't always easy. We are busy, and we often snack here and there. Eat a balanced diet.

5. Pray with you wife, tell her you love her and talk to her.

6. Write an encouraging note.

Handwritten notes are important to people. Write one for someone going through a tough time.

7. Do you job

Prioritise your tasks and start doing them from the top down.

8. Read

Read for at least 30 minutes every day (excluding you Bible).

9. Give something to someone every day.

There is no better way to cultivate a culture of giving in your organisation or family than giving something every day. Give money, something small, prayer, anything, as long as you give every day.

10. Share your testimony of the gospel with someone.

If God called you to be a fisherman of men, go fishing every day.

If you do these ten things every day, your and your family's life will change. Plan your work and then work your plan.

Warnings for aspiring leaders

Church leaders realise the pressure on them; others are constantly watching them to make sure they keep the congregation on a healthy path. They also realise that Christ is actually the leader of the church. They realise that there are certain expectations linked to their position; decisions that aren't outlined clearly in the Bible still have to be made.

Here are a few things that leaders should avoid at all costs

  1. What you allow, becomes the culture

  2. Mediocrity isn't created – it's accepted.

  3. Your actions determine others' reactions.

  4. Don't assume that they agree just because they said nothing.

  5. You will never get there if you only think about it.

  6. If you are the leader, they will wait for you to either lead or give up your leadership.

  7. What the team values is determined by your actions, not by your words.

Five things that leaders should be willing to sacrifice

Throughout the Bible we find good and bad leaders and the impact of both. Good leaders lead people to things that really matter. Good leaders don't view people as stumbling blocks – they try to make them partners. But in order to do this we must realise that partnerships require leaders to sacrifice certain things.

1. Leaders should be willing to sacrifice recognition

We get things done through the team in which we serve. I work hard, but my production doesn't only reflect my own work. It also reflects the work of the people around me. As a good leader I should recognise my team's work; I should share the credit with them; I should realise that their contribution is meaningful in what we achieve.

2. Leaders should be willing to sacrifice comfort

As a leader you won't always be comfortable in everything you do. When you lead, you will upset certain people. Ed Stetzer says that if 10% of the congregation isn't mad at you, you probably haven't done much. If 70% of the congregation is upset, you should take another look at what you do. If everyone is happy, you should consider whether you are leading at all.

Leadership may take you out of your comfort zone. Some of us are only comfortable when everyone likes us. There is always a degree of resistance against leadership. Sam Chand (Leadership Plain) says: “If you’re not hurting, you’re not leading. Your vision for the future has to be big enough to propel you to face the heartaches and struggles you’ll find along the way.”

3. Leaders must be willing to sacrifice convenience.

As a leader you should work – harder than others. Lazy people aren't effective leaders. Evaluate your organisation and planning; communicate the new direction; motivate your team – it requires initiative.

Oswald Sanders summarises it in this way: “The young man of leadership caliber will work while others waste time, study while others snooze, pray while others daydream.”

4. Leaders should be willing to sacrifice freedom.

The more leadership you practise, the less freedom you'll have to say certain things. Of course, you have freedom of expression, but remember that as a leader you should encourage, motivate and organise a team. As a leader you should learn to reign in your words.

5. Leaders should be willing to sacrifice their reputation.

Remember that you serve your team. If things go well, you should share the credit with your team, but when things go wrong, the leader should take the blame for the failure. Leadership doesn't mean building your own reputation, but it does mean encouraging, motivating and organising your team to reach new goals. It means working with people and winning their trust – you should love them.

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