The big 'T' that you should live for
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The big 'T' that you should live for

A catechism book from my youth warned us against the two big Ds and the big G: dancing, drinking and gambling! Back then I realised that we can become so caught up in being against everything that there won't be any time left to be for God's things. Our calling is to life for God, not against sin! No, we don't have a licence to sin, but a war on sin should never be our main focus. The aim of faith is to keep our eye on God every day. Talking about the right focus, there is one big T that all of us should live for: thankfulness. Our entire lives should be about expressing and doing thankfulness. Everything inside us should shout 'thank you!' to the Lord over and over because He saved us. In each conversation people should experience how loving our wonderful God is. And that He loves all people without end. Our lives should be megaphones of thankfulness. Colossians 3:17 should be our daily life-compass: " And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

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